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How to Create a Robust Cybersecurity Culture in Your Company

How to Create a Robust Cybersecurity Culture in Your Company

Feb 25, 2020

The modern dependence on technology makes security crucial for every process business users are involved in. How to develop strong cybersecurity culture, convincing business users that they do have risks of losing important data.

Evgen Verzun, the founder of HyperSphere is sure that strong cybersecurity culture is not something that appears naturally. Business owners must invest in cybersecurity education. When security culture is nurtured on a regular basis, it positively transforms the number of business processes. So, how to effortlessly implement successful daily cyber-secure practices within your company.

“The Art of Email Security” Book by Evgen Verzun can help develop a cybersecurity culture within a company with minimal investment. It was released on Amazon in the end of January 2020 and already proved its success by ranking as #1 in Encryption category 

“The Art of Email Security” helps to educate business users with the best email security tips and tricks. The book is easy to understand even for non-technical people and is full of interesting insights and easy-to-apply tips from cybersecurity experts. 

The book aims to change the perception of security risks and raise awareness of the importance of cybersecurity principles to convert employees into the company’s cybersecurity advocates. 

So, you decided to educate your employees now… Here is our short check-list of the successful educational cybersecurity campaign:

1/ Disruptive

The key goal of a strong security culture is to transform the daily corporate routines and user habits towards better security. So, it should be disruptive and transformative for the business, defining a set of new actions for the users to facilitate the needed change. 

2/ Engaging and Fun

Users, no matter consumers or employees are interested in enjoyable experiences. If you gamify the learning process by making it engaging and fun, it is more likely people will treat it positively and will be eager to follow.

3/ Rewarding

For employees to invest their efforts and time, the experience should be rewarding, so they can easily understand what they will get in return. Think about return of investment for the users: how they are going to be rewarded for following the new secure rules.  
If you would like to get more insights about implementing cybersecurity practices into your business, read the book.